Brexit Futures
Brexit Futures
Brexit Futures
Gorse Hill Ward Profile
Prepared by John Foster
February 2019
Population by age in 2017
Population- 12467
Has increased 15.8% since 2007 though
Ethnicity and Language (2011 census)
Place of Birth:
First Language:
23.1% of population non-white ethnicity (not highest in comparison to Longford or Clifford that have 40.6% and 64.6 respectively). As the vast majority of people speak English as a first language but there are relatively high levels of non-white citizens, I’m guessing from this that there are large Asian and Black 2nd and third generation British populations.
2.8% of population born in the EU (2011). Again, this is high for Trafford but much EU migration seems to be in neighbouring Longford and Clifford.
Population Density- 140.7/km sq
Again, low in comparison to other surrounding areas (Neighbouring Clifford is a much higher density).
Voting Behaviour
May 2018³
May 2016
May 2015
May 2014
May 2012
May 2010
May 2011
• Relative IMD for Gorse Hill is measured on the Trafford council website is measured 24 which means it is the third most deprived ward in Trafford.
• 22.8% of children in the area are living in deprived households
• 14.9% of its population are in receipt of housing benefit
• 30.4% of children here are living in poverty
Deprivation (IMD 2015)
Trafford, like Manchester, voted to remain in the EU in the Brexit vote.
In 2017 the amount of jobs in Gorse Hill was estimated to be 31206 which is higher than any other area in Trafford. This is mysterious as its levels of deprivation are some of the highest in the area. In 2011 25.3% of its residents were thought to be economically inactive also which is relatively low in comparison with other areas in Trafford (see labour market stats in other documents).
In comparison to Harpurhey there does seem to be a degree of industry in the area which may explain why it has relatively high levels of employment. There is a big Tesco on Ravenswood Road, Manchester Freight terminal is nearby as are Old Trafford Stadium and the newly developed Salford Quays shopping centre, media city, Lancaster Cricket Ground etc. Trafford Park is also about 2.4 miles away from the centre of Gorse Hill on foot. The Park was an industrial hub develop around the end of the 19th century which seems to have peeked around 1945. I have seen estimates that it employed around 75000 people at this time which, again, seems to account for much of the industrial development of the area which was largely agricultural before that. The centre was re-opened as a retail park in 1998 and is still a major employer in the area. However, as we well know, retail has largely been unable to cover the loss of industry in terms of Manchester’s employment and I guess this would be the same here?
• Residents over 16 with no qualifications- 23.1%
• Residents with higher education qualification- 22.5%
Trafford council has identified Gorse Hill as a priority regeneration area. The proposal (see point H9 on This page) aims to improve housing stock, mitigate negative effects of traffic and nearby industry and the continuation of environmental projects on the A56. It says it will clear substandard housing, look to provide off-street parking, improve the local park while finding ways to minimise negative effects of the nearby Euro-Freight tunnel.
People are also talking about the £2.5 million regeneration of an old PC-World site into a LIDL also. They say this will bring 40 jobs to Stretford.
Gorse Hill Community allotments
Visit here
Gorgeous Gorse Hill
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This is a volunteer community organisation which aims to enhance the area with through street art and gardens etc.
Gorse Hill Studios
Gorse Hill Studios (GHSCC) is an ambitious youth arts charity, who believe all young people have the right to social, emotional, and educational investment in their future.
Thrive Trafford
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This website is set up by a company called Pulse Regeneration that received a grant from Trafford council to foster third sector activity in the area as part of its regeneration strategy.
Social housing
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Social landlord operating in the area - Mosscare St Vincents Housing.